
“Wonder” is a visual odyssey into the heart and soul of places I treasure and find inspirational.

I set out to capture the sense of wonder I feel when experiencing a place for the very first time, the excitement of the unknown, the awe of a mystical and breathtaking landscape.

Having grown up in the foothills of the Adirondack Mountains, appreciation for nature and my surroundings came early. Lake George, in upstate New York, is home and has always provided me with a sense of place. I remember at a young age being captivated by the early morning stillness and calm of the lake, the majestic mountains that surround it, and the vibrant palette of an Adirondack golden hour.  I loved being outside and at the lake. This was exhilarating and a feeling I would carry with me as I began this photographic adventure.

Through my lens, with long exposure photography and intentional camera movement techniques, I reveal my personal connection with special places in a literal and abstract sense. I explore the landscape and natural beauty, taken by the enormity and color, to spark wonder and trigger the thrill of being in this extraordinary place. I am engaged and in the moment, thankful.

This series is my interpretation and appreciation of nature and the places that hold special meaning. “Wonder” inspires the curiosity in me and motivates me to keep exploring. What else is out there, I wonder?